cried, fought with your spouse, you spent a lot of money on medicine and doctors and also has fulfilled all what friends and forums you have been advised and now you do not know how it come true your biggest dream because nothing has worked?
Well, by now it is time to use:
La Botella Original Robert Reichert®
Hope Hope Hope - every month
or do you want results?
Use my La Botella Original Robert Reichert®
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again
and expecting different results"
Albert Einstein
La Botella Original Robert Reichert®
is known in 166 countries !!!
is why you should give La Botella a chance
was supposed to be the most beautiful event in her life: The birth of a child.
But the truth is different. The tears that flow every month when the pregnancy
test comes back negative are indescribable. The waiting, the hope and the
anxiety, it drains their strength.
the worst thing is the uncertainty that torments them. Why is it just not
working out? What is wrong with them? The constant doctor visits, exams and
medical procedures that come with it are torture. The disappointments grow from
month to month and the belief that things will eventually work out slowly but
surely fades.
they have no choice but to support each other and go through this difficult
time together. But even that is not always easy. The partner who cannot father
children often feels like a failure and incomplete. Fate has taken this chance
away from them, and life seems so meaningless and empty.
And so the only hope that remains is that at some point everything will be okay again. That the sun will show itself again and they can finally hold their little miracle in their arms. But until then, they have to keep fighting, keep going, without giving up. Because that's the only way there's a chance that one day their greatest wish will come true after all."
There is a product from the Dominican Republic, which is on the rise worldwide. It is made almost 100% herb-based and offers a very high success rate to get pregnant in the next 2-3 months.
You can end your suffering, if you just want to trust and also try the product, which has already helped so many men and women.
It calls La Botella Original Robert Reichert®
La Botella you can easily just get sent home
- in 2 or 3 days it can be yours!
To get a quote for
La Botella Original Robert Reichert®
incl. shipping costs directly to your home write to:
You can also
contact me by phone.
Robert Reichert, Dominican Republic +1 809-968-0299
- Bitcoin
La Botella Original Robert Reichert® helps especially women aged 30 years and more to prepare the body for pregnancy.
Your body needs HELP
There is La Botella Original Robert Reichert® for women but also for men:
Polycystic ovary syndrome
**** About infections in the body we refer to as muscle pain, headaches and migraines, relax pain related to endometriosis, pain during menstruation, sleep problems, and more. But also to cough, diarrhea, kidney problems and the lungs, and more.
If you tell me what is your problem we can prepare something especially for you in combination with a normal La Botella we prepare who can help you achieve the desired fertility. If you have no desire to have children, you will receive a La Botella prepared especially against your problem or disease. There is also La Botella for specially men and their specific problems! Costs nothing to ask!
The effect is immediate. The body is cleaned from inside out and improved that you will get pregnant within 2-3 months
In the Dominican Republic are growing up to
5600 different plants
and 1800 of them ONLY HERE!
La Botella contains no drugs and no alcohol.
La Botella examined by scientists, doctors and the Director of the Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo
If you want to hold your long-awaited baby in your arms in exactly 1 year - then there's the solution.
You can get pregnant without to pay thousands of euros to a fertility clinic. They claims to offer only 40% chance of success, but more precise research certify even only 12% success rate of IVF - Treatment.
I overbid it easily and I prove it to you even say "LIVE" and this for a fraction of the cost of IVF treatment or other means to get pregnant!
What is La Botella Original Robert Reichert® and why this page is created?
Let me take you across the big pond or in a different world to tell you a story that is my own.
... I, Robert, and 39 years old came in 2006 in the Dominican Republic that I have chosen for my future residence. After some time I met an extraordinary woman, 30 years young, without children, however, but with a heart of gold. At this time I never thought about to have more children, because I have a son from his first marriage in Germany, now 20 years old and did not want any more children. But when I was a few years here in the country an was doing my business I knew this will be a longer stay here, then the question for us whether we really want to stay alone without children. We decided that we would not stay alone and wanted to have a baby. 2 full years passed in which we much of what is advertised on the Internet and distributed to advice, had tried. Infertility goes to the substance, I can tell you. In fertility forums, we were a regular visitor, we informed us about IVF / ICSI - treatments and all the other costs associated with it and also the prices of the drugs and about the possibility to do this in abroad ... during this investigations I had read so much about multiple births in the artificial insemination and the risk it all on a genuine success rate but only 12% - 20%, all deterred us, we wanted to get pregnant naturally and had to be really afraid that it does not work. In certain fertility clinic forums get even the counsel to buy the drugs abroad to save costs or to refrain from anesthesia in some treatments! So, I must really say, where are we living? Should I risk the live of my wife or her unbearable pain expect to save only the cost of IVF - is preparing for a treatment success rate of only 12%. NO - NEVER
It was in November 2008 when we met this man in the mountains of the Dominican Republic and drank La Botella and January 2009 my wife was pregnant. Our sweet daughter Dominique Chantal was born in September 2009, without any complication. Now that to what I wanted to come back later * we have nothing done (except love), no additional La Botella drunk, but in February 2010 again, the positive findings "pregnancy" and our son, Diego Ernesto, very healthy and full of beans, arrived in October 2010 to the world.
We asked the man like that can be, at once and so quickly again, and the man said that La Botella works like a "door opener", because everything is free of debris at us, what is to stop then just getting pregnant ? You can believe us that we was more than positive surprised and we are still grateful to God for our two little angels. Now, with my 44 years I've actually yet another 2 babies in my arms, and indeed my own. I would not have thought possible. Proud I am walking now in the streets, no one asks more behind my back if maybe something is wrong with us. The two are our true pride and absolute bundle of joy - wow!
So far to my story, to which I can provide you evidence.
Here you can see the producer of La Botella (together with me)
The extraordinary success rate of La Botella Original Robert Reichert® is (45%)
After 1 Baby I was more than surprised about the result of La Botella because it was suddenly so fast and made inquiries. I informed me closer to the manufacturer (the man from the mountains) who told me that he prepare since many years La Botella for couples who have problems with becoming pregnant, and this with an extraordinary success rate. He provided it also up to Italy and Mexico.
Hmmm, I thought to myself there. The man has such a product and still no one has made the market really known?? This I will change. That is why we created this page you are reading.
Let me return to the statement "extraordinary success rate". What does that mean?
I have followed his next 60 sales, was in contact with the women using La Botella and I can tell you: This can not be a coincidence that couples who almost lost there hope to get pregnant naturally were confirmed her hope and have become pregnant by drinking La Botella. The rate here was about 45%.
Let me come back to do it again shortly to the extraordinary success rate and the word "door opener"! ATTENTION NOW!
Our 3 children - Dominique Chantal, Diego Ernesto and Daniel Armando - we received after the treatmentof La Botella and with the help of GOD
La Botella has been studied by scientists, doctors and the Head of the Botanical Garden of Santo Domingo!
How does La Botella work and how do I take it?
You will receive the fastest possible delivery 1,5 Liter (50 FL OZ) of La Botella. You drink each day within the next 10 days, a glass of it (0.15 liters - 4 - 5 FL OZ) and hold at this time all the bottles chilled in the refrigerator.
La Botella is made almost 100% from plants. In the Dominican Republic are growing up to 5600 different plants and 1800 from this are growing ONLY HERE !!!
All contents of La Botella are handled exclusively plant-based, derived from plants and herbs that grow here in the tropics or Central America, or at least not to get into Europe. With the leaves, wood and roots of these plants and herbs cooked over an extended period a Sud. Thereafter, the solid components of this sude will be removed by multiple filtering and only the liquid remains and one can regard it as a tea-like beverage.
For several hundred years already have these plants for healing and mitigation are used as traditional aids. In Wikipedia can be read at some plants and herbs used in La Botella that this already by the Indians in the 15th Century and were used in 1536 found their way across the pond in the European medicine. La Botella contains no prescription drugs.
This recipe is stayed in the family of the manufacturer since many many years and they keep it secret.
• - Prolonged stress
• - Reduced physical activity
• - under or over weight due to malnutrition
• - Unhealthy or stressful situations at work
• - smoking, excessive coffee consumption
• - use of alcohol or drugs
• - deficiencies caused by poor eating habits
... all this can limit your fertility. So try to avoid this possible.
Why La Botella Original Robert Reichert® ?
Because La Botella contains herbal ingredients who exists only in the Dominican Republic and nowhere else in the world. See the page: La Botella scientific research!
Further research on the internet revealed that female users report absolutely positive since 2008 about La Botella from the Dominican Republic. There are forum posts to testify, but only in Spanish. But that should not be a problem because I offer here the link for a translation of the messages. Here, then, for the first time the link to the forum:
But now to the short but sound excerpts from the forum of La Botella users:
What better than to let users make successful advertisement for itself? Do not be alarmed, there is all written in spanish ... please use this link to translate the text in the forum:|en|
Simply copy the text in the forum and paste it to the intended window. Then, once the translated text appears in english.
I do not wish to burden you with work, but as you see from the messages in the forum the entries are 3 years old, so not just added before a few month. On the other hand, I could tell you here things that are not to check, but since others have already experienced it before, you should take the trouble to read the entries. If the translation program somewhat "bumpy" translated by me ... here is the fundamental content ...
... It's about a woman had her menstruation very irregularly, sometimes not for months. The doctor informed her that any more channels are clogged and they only had problems and was not just pregnant .... UNTIL she took her husband (Dominican) to the Dominican Republic to a woman who prepared her a domestic remedy (herbs and roots - called the one in the Dominican Republic: La Botella) should that help her to get pregnant. The woman drank at the morning and evening from the bottle, which achieves this blockage in the channels and also for the controlled ovulation helped. After a short time (about 1 month) the woman was pregnant. This home remedy LA BOTELLA was sold for $ 20 at the time the bottle, now it is more expensive here in the country and is sold at prices from over 100 USD in the USA. Not many people know make this remedy, the sister of the woman had become pregnant also problems over 3 years to get pregnant, until she took La Botella and after 3 months she was pregnant. --- So much from the first review.
Posted by mibebeliz1 from 19.01.2008
Yes, girlfriend reciéncasada, this Las botellas the Dominican Republic are very good. I myself drink even just one that I brought a work colleague. They have a nasty taste and bitter taste but you have to drink it.
Posted by gelin70 from 19.01.2008I am Dominican sister and what about these LA BOTELLA says is true. Since my childhood I heard of it, but not everyone knows to prepare. Gelin colleague asked Gelin, whether it should bring her a La BOTELLA from the Dominican Republic because Gelin had problems getting pregnant ... Gelin said then that her friend was "the culprit" because of his poor sperm so she gave up to receive La Botella. But a colleague of the two left to bring a few bottles and was in the same month pregnant. Gelin then wept much, how could it not be imagined. But they did not give up, asked her colleague again to get LA BOTELLA and also for her husband to improve the quality of the sperm… Gelin received her La BOTELLA and was then pregnant soon and her baby is now already 5 months old. Another story of Gelin ... she has a sister who is married for 4 years and has problems with the ovaries and her menstruation only once a year. She received from a colleague at work half of a LA BOTELLA – will say!!! the two women drank only half a bottle, and both became pregnant, her sister-in after only 1 month - now she is happy. I have great faith in this LA BOTELLA from the Dominican Republic, but as I said, not everyone she knows to prepare.
Posted by morenitakorita of 20/01/2008
Hello friends ... where can I get this LA BOTELLA, or you have the opportunity to get them? These interest me very much and I would like to try. I think they are a natural basis and not as indigestible (poorly tolerated due to side effects) as you have to take the medication.
Posted by asile18 28/02/2008I have not tried it but some women (girl) from here and it worked for them. So good luck my friend.Posted by fabiruska of 02/28/2008
Posted by Leslie80 on 29.02.2008
I have also taken me had ordered the doctor to reduce to my menstruation. With me it immediately had worked and I was pregnant - but unfortunately I lost the baby. For some it works right away, others it takes a little longer, it also depends on the particular organism. Do not be afraid if you are under medical supervision ... and with God's help everything will go well. Let's go, good luck.Posted by maria44447 of ...Can someone tell me where can I find a person who prepared me LA BOTELLA? Or at least a phone number or address - so in that direction? I live in the United States, namely do not know anyone in the Dominican Republic.These are some excerpts from a forum that deals with La Botella.
Still in forums to read: "I still not get pregnant" ... this is more than possible if you only that imitate what many others tell you in forums over and over again ... If you really want a change very briefly then you need to take La Botella from the Dominican Republic.
And what is the current situation in the whole worl related infertility?
If you think you are alone with your problem of not getting pregnant read the next article in this link:
No, you are not alone, but you now have the opportunity to escape from this mass.
... and who is really to blame, man or woman?
The medical causes of infertility are distributed equally to both sexes.
Contrary to popular belief, still, infertility affects only women, the physical causes such as distributed equally among men and women, 30 to 40 percent. In about 15 to 30 percent of the cases are a combination of causes from both partners. Male infertility is primarily due to poor sperm quality: The effusion can be found too few sperm cells are malformed or they do not sufficiently flexible.
Female infertility is due most often of her fallopian tubes blocked or taped. Often, however, is also a hormonal disorder that can affect the menstrual cycle, the maturation of the follicles or ovulation. Another common cause is called endometriosis, which are growths of endometrial tissue in the abdomen.
What do you think is better, to increase or normalize the hormone level?
What remains a choice? The artificial insemination IVF?
I'm sure many couples have tried a lot and been through a lot and many people think, "Man, we are running out of time and to our fertility looks worse every year, among women it shrinks from about 30 years as a report in Focus magazine (Germany) reported.
However, I am no friend of artificial insemination IVF. I know the risks too high, the cost of IVF - Treatment beat around € 6,000 and all this with a real success rate of only about 12% - 20%. The hormones, such as clomiphene to induce ovulation may be in individual cases, not only bring the eggs to mature, but also grow fibroids or cysts.
Please read the following sections very carefully and show it to your partner even if you want to take a IVF - treatment. I would not, as long as I do not really have tried everything else. Please read ...
The artificial fertilization - IVF with risk
(Source: Here is an excerpt from the Stern, Germany, 19.02.2009)
Risk of multiple births
With the number of embryos used increases the likelihood of multiple births, the highest risk of artificial insemination.
"Multiple births are dangerous because the human uterus is not aimed at them," explains Mr. Propping. It came with twins and triplets more often in premature births before the 30th Week. Children, after the 25th Weeks gestation with a weight of 600 grams to be born, could be indeed alive. However, they would then often suffer from eye diseases, blindness or developmental delay. In multiple pregnancies, it could also lead to premature rupture of membranes in the first three months: The amniotic sac that surrounds the baby in the womb, tears, germs from the vagina can enter the uterus and induce inflammation. For the unborn, there is then, according Propping, no salvation.
Painful hyperstimulation
The multiple birth is not the only danger of artificial insemination. Almost always, women should take hormones in advance. They are designed to stimulate their ovaries. Because the more eggs are fertilized, the higher the success rate. The hormone treatment can give rise to unwanted over-stimulation. There are growing up too many, too large follicles. Ideal are loud Propping six on each side, a total of twelve. But would artificially fertilized at five percent of the women grow much more. Some up to 40 follicles. The women would then complain of an unpleasant pressure in the abdomen. According to the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), some women also have pain, shortness of breath and blood clotting is disturbed.Even more dangerous is the impact that over-stimulation can have on the vessel walls. According Mr. Propping they are permeable to one percent of all women with a over-stimulation-syndrom. The result: "body of water sinks into the peritoneum, lungs and brain," said the doctor. The women then need several days to be treated in a clinic and dotted.
Bacterial infection of the ovaries
The egg retrieval poses risks. The eggs were taken from even earlier through the abdominal wall, this is done today with a long thin needle through the vagina. Though extremely rare, it can cause a bacterial infection of the ovaries. In the worst case, they must be surgically removed. Also can be injured in the pelvis, according BZgA the bladder, bowel and major blood vessels.The biggest risks are one of the women at an artificial insemination. But even in infertile men may experience complications. With him are no sperm in the effusion detectable, they must be removed from the testes or epididymis. As a result of surgery can lead to painful bruising, swelling and infection.
Malformations as a result of artificial insemination?
Whether IVF could cause genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, it has been much discussed in recent years. Researchers pointed out that IVF children more often with a rare mental and physical disabilities, such as the Beckwith-Wiedemann or Angelman syndrome, would be born. For example, Professor Bernhard Horsthemke found by the University of Duisburg-Essen evidence of an association between IVF and epigenetic defects.Despite increased evidence is there but not the final word on the malformation risk with IFV. However, published last year Yonca Izat and Lutz Goldbeck of the University of Ulm (Germany) an overview of the research. The psychologist who evaluated 22 studies from 2000 to 2006 artificially conceived children. Their conclusion: there is for an IVF pregnancy by a factor of 1.24 increased malformation rate, especially in the areas of heart, digestive system, kidneys and urinary tract. It adds an increased rate of chromosomal abnormalities (like Down's syndrome), premature birth and low birth weights.
Also read a report from the Stern, Germany!
Source: Here is an excerpt from the Stern, 18.02.2009)
How many pairs in Germany trying each year by using artificial insemination to have children? For how many it will work?
If the success overrated?
Yes. Leipzig Psychologists have found that the population, the success rate assesses twice as high as it is actually in effect.
If you only want a healthy child = La Botella
If you want to have multiple malformed children at once = IVF
What says the traditional Chinese medicine about IVF - treatment?
Source: Here is an excerpt from natural healing practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) - Dortmund.
And homeopathic remedies - how they can help with infertility?
Started at 15.09.2008 21:42:00
Total votes: 5616
(After 1-2 cycles) (5%) 290
(After 3-4 cycles) (2%) 117
(After 5-6 cycles) (2%) 116
I became pregnant by homeopathy (4%) 222
(Vitex) (7%) 376
(Raspberry leaves) (4%) 205
(Lady's mantle) (5%) 280
(Ovaria comp) (6%) 310
(Bryophyllum) (5%) 285
(Mugwort) (1%) 35
(Phyto-L) (1%) 47
(Sepia) (1%) 75
(Other) (1%) 62
(After 1-2 cycles) (4%) 239
(After 3-4 cycles) (2%) 93
(After 5-6 cycles) (1%) 55
I'm not pregnant, despite homeopathy: (5%) 265
(After 1-2 cycles) (1%) 81
(After 3-4 cycles) (1%) 71
(After 5-6 cycles) (4%) 235
I do not believe in homeopathy (2%) 96
I will definitely try it (20%) 1108
I do not know what to think about it (7%) 408
Now you can say, "In IVF, I am under medical supervision?
But I can assure you that I would prefer to exchange with the woman who may hold after the usage of La Botella her baby in her arms as the woman who paid 6,000 euros but is losing her time and money and at the end has nothing in her arms.
For the love of your future child - La Botella and no chemical weapons!
But which garanty can I give to you?
Now, there are currently only foreign or virtual witnesses / users, but that's a good thing, because that offers so at the possibilities the impressive success rate of La Botella WORLDWIDE under to provide evidence and I will do as follows:
For the launch on the english speaking market I offer for the first 15 buyers of La Botella to the cost price of 150.00 euros (plus shipping or delivery costs) - combined with a condition:
Enter your information in my forum on the right site other interested parties in the application of La Botella!
If so far NOTHING has worked, you would like to say one day that because you did not want to pay the price for La Botella you are childless? This could be so come if you do not have the courage to order La Botella!
*** You also get a 6 month 100% money back guarantee if you are not pregnant. Please read below for more informations
Now you can say for example: "I've heard it all before and did not work with my friend"
• La Botella was taken here or at least sent by express to the user? If that was not the case and La Botella perhaps more than 1-2 weeks on the way to the target person was then pretty sure the effectiveness of the components is over and maybe even spoiled La Botella.
• From where exactly La Botella was coming? You also see at the forum of the Spanish-speaking users and prospects that other persons offer "La Botella". Let me assure you that at least one of these questionable people in New York produces its Botella. And I think you can imagine also that this Botella not nearly containing the active ingredients impressive as my La Botella ORIGINAL from the Dominican Republic it contains.
• This can only be a few factors which affect very the success rate of La Botella, therefore:
Of course, the original's has his price and you could say that is too expensive
The price is relative. Let me tell you the following to explain in more detail.
There are couples who had no problem getting pregnant – they tried it and without time to wait she was pregnant. I am almost sure that this couple will not purchase La Botella immediately, because it worked the first time so easily, so try it on and on.
But there are couples who do not have any children. Already at least 1 year trying to conceive. They go to different doctors to try everything possible but all this products neither are cheap. But nothing has helped. The "not pregnant - problem" escalates and tensions in the partnership comes up, something like: YOU are to blame anyway and I'll never with such a test ... and there are partnerships that no hold this tensions. Now I ask you: Is the price of La Botella really so high that you want to risk the ruin of your relationship without to to give La Botella a chance?
If I now argue that since 2003 in Germany for example, health insurance for IVF / ICSI treatment only pay the half and quickly you are in a price range from about 6.000 €, then the price for La Botella a bargain. With a 2-week first-class holiday in the Dominican Republic including flight and the usage of La Botella you never will come in this price range (at that kind of deals that later).
You see, it depends how you look at the situation and above all from the success rate: 12% - 20% with IVF -Treatment and La Botella convinced with over 45% success rate.
*** This granty I offer the users who decide to take La Botella, right here in the Dominican Republic and that in my presence. If you are not become pregnant after 6 months of using La Botella I will refund 100% of the purchase price. Among these offers, you can find on the right side more.
I'm sure you will understand that I can not give a 6-month 100% money back guarantee when I send you La Botella and can not verify that you actually drank it.
If you think: "I will not go to the Dominican Republic to get pregnant"
This is of course up to you to visit this beautiful country, but it must indeed not be, because I offer you a completely fast and reliable delivery to you.
I offer this option to convince you of the originality of La Botella. You can be there to help in collecting the plants and herbs and also with the preparation of hand. This side of the Dominican Republic, you would NEVER know at an all-inclusive holiday - but later to this particular offer more. In addition, a small excerpt from the website:
- Where you can read: In the U.S. fertility-breaks have long been very popular. A survey of more than 1000 American BabyCenter mothers showed that such a trip at least 40 percent has actually led to a pregnancy! In a similar survey of BabyCenter mothers in the UK, a success rate was calculated as 18 percent.
Wasting no more time!
Or do you want to risk 1 year more without to take the chance now? Another year of seeing how to get your friends babys, see when they going with the nice stroller and look enviously at the little sweet? Are still wondering, "Why does God not allow me to have a baby? Another year in fertility forums for tips on questions to get pregnant, buy ovulation calendar and you really prefer to make love depending on the schedule with no fun because this may be difficult when the schedule says do it at 4:14 in the morning?
All around the great ideas and aids to get pregnant not helped us to get pregnant in the whole 2 years. Nothing because of chaste tree, raspberry leaves etc. ... not a very commendable positions helped to sex, nothing of the pelvis after intercourse store high to stay inside the sperm as long as possible. Nothing works. The artificial insemination was no theme for us, again read a short excerpt from a page from the Internet:
Apart from the health risks for women, hormone therapy remain so for their children are not without consequences: researchers found that affected by in-vitro fertilization (IVF) produced children more likely to retinal tumors of skeletal growth disturbances and abnormalities of internal organs. It also comes as part of such therapies frequently multiple or premature births. That is in plain text: Reproductive medicine is still in its infancy and couples who engage in it are better guinea pigs in a laboratory. Consider that reproductive medicine is only a few decades old. The first IVF baby is now just 25 years old.No thanks!
Also tried different drugs (for example one which name begins with Fertil....) that you should take several months to help me to improve my sperm was not really successful. Neither to prepare the body of my wife for a possible pregnancy, I doubt it, because the final revenue was more than 9 months back before THANKS LA BOTELLA was pregnant.
Just for example: In food you make sure very careful what products you buy at the supermarket or at the farm, where they come from, whether they are gene manipulert, etc. ... but at a soooo important decision such as "pregnant" you do not ask whether it is a chemical weapon or it is an understood for centuries on 100% natural ingredients produced a successful product, that you will use.
Give yourself a jolt now and order your La Botella or come to my Country, the Dominican Republic, to spend a dream holiday in the Caribbean with the combination of the usage of La Botella and improve you success rate up to 83%
Often we can read in new product introductions, "again one who want to earn quick money from suffering people"
Do you really think I am one of this ? I'm not saying that there is not such type and with flimsy promises want to get rich very quickly. I do not belong to this - WHY?
I will share with you the introduction on the english speaking market. Also the promise that I give to you - they can relate La Botella at cost price as one of the first 15 people. You have the opportunity to work with other users or to be in touch to hear how and if it works, just everything will be transparent in the forum in this site. Please remember back at my 6-month 100% money back guarantee!
How can I offer something like this, if only I am interested to earn a quick buck?
I want you to be parents, and this as soon as possible. You have the possibility to visit me in the Dominican Republic, watch the manufacturer for the collection of ingredients, or better still help him, because it is YOUR La Botella, with all of your deepest desires will come true, I offer you the option. I can give you personally your La Botella in your hand here in the Dominican Republic or maybe in your country when I have enough clients / user at the same time from your country (so you can save the shipping costs) or I can give La Botella to your friends when they are here for holidays ... the possibilities are handled no limits. Details later, as previously even announced.
If someone think: He has no idea of what he writes as
I can assure you 100% that I am not a medical practitioner, not a practicing physician, not a healer but I am also not a cheat.
What I am also still offer is a "live" - garanty. I sell for the first 15 users La Botella for the price of production so you can really enjoy the impressive success rate, only I need you as testimonial in my forum - I need you to tell others that LA BOTELLA really works.
I also assure you that I have made inquiries with other users of La Botella - never has even one person mentioned anything about side effects.
You can also visit me here in the Dominican Republic to collect the ingredients from La Botella help themselves to prepare them ... or I can simply press La Botella in your hand when you arrive
I have a clear conscience and I can also look deeply into your eyes in 1 year with a broad smile.
What are the options to purchase / receive La Botella?
Option 1)
You send me an email to with your contact details and location of the shipment. You will receive a response via email which means the cost of shipping to your home via UPS Worldwide Express. After this you use the PayPal payment button and transferred me full price.
Immediately prepare for you the bottle that will last about 4 days.
48 hours after dispatch from the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo) you have the bottle on the table in your kitchen
Option 2)
Usage of La Botella in the Dominican Republic
Option 4)
IVF = costs of at least 6000 €, low success rate, unwanted multiple births and malformations
La Botella = comparatively given as a gift, high to very high success rate and almost 100% natural!
Do not hesitate if you want to hold your baby next Christmas in your arm
You can save further suffering and costs - if you want - right now - it just depends on you.
The direct line to me: Phone 001-809-968-0299
Skype: La Botella
or e-mail:
and I am always happy to help in all your questions you may have.
Your Robert Reichert
A nice blog here. Helping people who desire a child is a good manner. We know that some women says that it is difficult to get pregnant. Everyone can conceive a child if the put a good effort on it. Here my advice to get pregnant fast. The best time to have a sex intercourse is while the women in fertilized period. The chance to get pregnant is high. So give it a try.
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ReplyDeleteWhat a great and inspiring story! I was married for seven years without any child, because of this my husband start acting strange, coming home lately and not spending time with me any more and he divorced me. So i became very sad and lost in life because my doctor told me there is no way for me to get pregnant this really make life miserable for me. until i came across a friend who told me about DR ODION from the Internet, how he has helped a lot of women with this similar problems that i am going through so i contacted him on: ( and explained to him. he told me all what to provide before he could cast a reunite spell to bring back my husband which i did and he sent a powerful prayer which i had to say at mid night while he cast the love spell. It was a miracle, 24 hours later my one and only husband came back to me and apologize for all he has done and told me he is fully ready to support me in any thing i want,i quickly call DR ODION and told him what was going on at that moment and he also prepared and sent me a herbal medicine which he said it will cure every unwanted diseases or infections that has been stopping me from conceiving then instructed me on how to use it before meeting with my husband. Behold after using this native herbs and root, few weeks later i started feeling pregnancy signs all over me, truly i was pregnant i just gave birth to a baby boy on the 1st of this month. I Vow to let the whole world know about DR ODION for saving my relationship and for also giving me children i can proudly call my own today. For any woman who think it impossible, here is an opportunity for you to smile and bring happiness to your family kindly contact DR ODION via Email on: ( or WhatsApp him via +2349060503921 Indeed, he is a God sent to bring back lost lovers and bring you happiness
ReplyDeleteHuman conception requires an egg and sperm. Poor ejaculation ,If you're not ovulating, you won't be able to get pregnant. Anovulation is a common cause of female infertility and it can be triggered by many conditions. PCOS,Over/underweight,primary Ovarian insufficiency,a thyroid dysfunction,.,hyperprolactinemia, irregular cycle, Blockage in the Fallopian Tubes, when the eggs release from the Ovary did not get to the Fallopian tubes you can not get pregnant Therefore use AGBARA Herbal Cleanser to clean up all this Infertility pains in Your Body and get pregnant However, regular menstrual cycles don't guarantee that ovulation is occurring.